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Long time no see.....
Sunday 22 December 2013 | 22:39 | 0 comments

Latahzan Innallahamaana 
Asslamualaikum wbt. Hai. Hello. Annyeong. Hola. what else?hehe Fuhhhhhh long time no see maaaaa. Last update bila eh? Bulan June,right? hahahaha lama wei  Oh masa tu cuti pertengahan tahun haha and now im updating in end year school holidays hhahaha cool Tu pun dah nak habis dah. 2014 on the way dahhhh hmmmm

I just cant believe im turning 15 in 9 days. Im not ready yet tbh but life must go on right? I had too much precious memories in 2013 that i'll never forget. Memories in school, memories at home, memories on Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Aidiladha, memories with old friends of mine and moreeeeee wah i cant lists them down 

not related tbh. feel like to post it hehe
 Sebenarnya nak lists down tapi takut tertinggal ke apa ke. Nak cerita detail pun malas ah haha. Tbh memang banyak memories dekat sekolah/asrama kut? Yelah sebab balik minggu pun aku tak pergi mana-mana. Just stuck at home. takkan nak ikut abang aku main futsal sekali? haha nonsense 

And andd tahun depan aku satu dorm dengan Aina yeayyyyyyyyy!  At last, twins reunited hahahaha. Tapi aku kena turun dorm ah. Pelik jugak sebenarnya uhm tak apalah asalkan ada dorm hahaha. Semoga senior-senior dorm tu baik and sporting hehehe i hope so 

Dah tak ada apa nak merapu dah ni. So, chau dulu yea?
How i wish i can play piano T-T